We believe that everything we do matters. That every positive action can cause a positive reaction. When like minded people and organizations come together to make our world a better place, it happens.

We are working tirelessly to create a platform that connects passionate, educated and engaged people with innovative and commercial enterprises who aim to solve the world’s issues through inspiring, informative and collaborative action.

We are you; the athlete who wants to train for something bigger than themselves, the proud city dweller that wants to make a difference, the parent who is concerned about their children’s future, the company who cares about corporate social responsibility, the person who wants to help others, the generation that wants a better world.

The Athlete Race is a non-traditional triathlon and an epic social event. For the triathlon, the disciplines and distances change yearly based on alarming social causes and statistics that have been published about those causes. Three legs to the race and each of them benefits a local cause, a national cause and a global cause. Three legs, three causes that will benefit. Race distances and benefitting non-profit game changing organizations are specific to each race, given we benefit a local cause that needs attention. National and global causes will remain the same across all locations. Athletes are challenged to raise a minimum of $2,000 in order to compete. Donations are spread across the 3 non-profits for each race. For the social epic event, it's an epic festival that celebrates music and educates guests on how to be a better human. Companies who are all enrolled in leaving our world a better place will engage with Festival go-ers to teach them about how to be a better human and a more conscious consumer in our world today. Companies that help reduce waste and make this world better will be featured along with local non-profit organizations that educate you on what's shaking out in your local community and how you can make a difference. We are all in this together and our event is here to make you a more conscious and mindful human on our earth with compassion and lending yourself either via the race or attending our event.

The Athlete Race is about passionate athletes that want to make a difference and people who want to learn more and be better. We do not reward with athlete finisher medals, we do not publish athlete finisher times, we are about coming together as a community to reflect and pay it forward for those that are in need. If you are an athlete or just a conscious human and are looking to enjoy yourself and push your limits while being among like minded people that are joining together to make a difference, we welcome you and invite you to join us... EVERY ACTION CAUSES REACTION






Mother, CHIEF WONDER WOMAN AT ATHLETE RACE, Afterglow Marketing Owner & Director, Triathlete, Yogi, Paddle boarder, Doer. 


"May all beings everywhere be happy and free, may the thoughts words and actions of my own life, contribute to the happiness and freedom for all" - Hindu Mantra Prayer
